Post 5: Changes to my study programme

In my career there are several subjects that should be updated or removed from the study plan, due to their little relevance in the world of work. For example, we have analytical listening classes where a teacher talks to us for two hours non-stop about classical, baroque and romantic music. He shows us the scores and their characteristics, but in the reality of work, it is very difficult to use some of what we learned in that class. The worst thing about this is that this subject lasts two whole years. 

Another thing that should change is the Post-production subject. In other universities, this subject is divided into three semester classes: Editing, mixing and mastering, which helps you go much deeper and understand better (because there is a lot of information). Instead, at my university they put everything together in a single semester class called: “Music Production.” This may be due to the classrooms and computers available in my degree, but it is quite sad to see how little is taught about one of the main branches of sound engineering.  
Parallel to this, more generally my career needs to catch up with the new technologies offered by the sound market. New digital mixers, modern monitors and licenses for software used for sound editing are things that should be implemented.  
Finally, I think that some teachers should update their teaching and evaluation methods, this way we could use tools that we have all the time, such as our smarthphones or the internet. 


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